
December 1st Deadline - Indiana NOW

Indiana National Organization For Women:  http://indiananow.org/
Indiana NOW is giving out up to five $2,000 scholarships. Criteria include a woman returning to school, Indiana resident, over 23 years old and involved in feminist activities. Check our website www.indiananow.org for more specific details. The deadline is December 1st.


Follow Directions

Follow the directions of the scholarship application to avoid being weeded out.

Scholarship Committees receive thousands of applications each year.  The first part of the review process is to weed out the applications that (1) do not meet the minimum requirements and (2) did not follow the directions.
  • If the application guidelines ask for a minimum or maximum number of words...follow the directions.
  • If the rules say to provide 2 letters of recommendation... follow the directions.
  • If the application says no staples, paper clips, or folders.... follow directions.
  • If the application says fit it on one page... follow directions.
  • Most importantly if the deadline is January 1st at 5pm, make sure it is in thier hand in advance.
  • If the GPA requirement is 3.0 do not send a 2.999999.... Unfortunately, you do not meet the minimum GPA requirement. (There is light at the end of the tunnel:  You can hold onto this application for the next year's application round)
Following directions will get your application to the next step in the process:  actually being read!